Christmas tree competition

December 5 2016

We’ve seen you all busily decking the halls of your offices and thought that a bit of friendly festive competition could be in order so are offering a small prize (to be announced) to the office and team with the most splendid tree.

We’ll be coming to judge next Thursday, 15 December after our Christmas drinks (1-3pm, in Marshalls Mill reception) so you’ve still plenty of time to hang up your holly, sprinkle some sparkle or wrangle some wreathes to make your office stunningly seasonal.

To enter simply email to let us know we should pop round at and you can always tag us in on social media @Weloveholbeck @marshallsmill, we’d love to see any pics.

Here’s to having a merry little Christmas, look forward to seeing you on the 15th!


From Santa Steve and all the elves